Our suites are designed and built to optimize comfort and functionality for our beauty professionals. Suites can be tailored to meet any beauty professionals needs.
Our Suites Feature:
Reasonable suite rental cost starts at $100.00 per week
Average suite size is 10’x12’ or 120 sq. ft
Full glass doors and locking lever sets are standard on all suites
Large countertop with wash bowl, tool organizer, drawer bases and product tower
Open and closed ceilings, depending on location
Sound insulated walls and ceilings
Coin operated laundry and Kitchenette, depending on location
All-purpose styling chair included in each suite
Numerous waiting areas for clients
All utilities [water, sewer, electric, gas, trash] are included
WiFi provided for stylists and their clients
Secure and monitored premises
Large, illuminated parking lot
Windows suites are available